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Location: Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India

Imperfect man in imperfect world.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Anne Frank Story - II

Another Interesting things, we can get in old books like this is ,we could learn the behavior of the particular community, their beliefs , in particular time frame.

Since Anne is the Jew. I just grasped some interesting things about Jews.

they are keep updating them self, they keep reading books, Annes says,she has been told to read French grammar and share the knowledge with the others in the family. This looks really interesting. See the mindset of these Jews. though they were hiding from the German, their future was unknown, but they were relentlessly improving.

Anne was teaching french to her father, so No ego in learning things, They have pursuit for knowledge.

Somewhere I heard,When Jews were running away to refuge at different countries from Europe. They never carried furniture,dress or gold, But they carried books, yes, they know the value of information,knowledge.

Hope everybody know, Einstein is Jew,Karl max is Jew,Jesus is Jew. All these people did major transformation in the life of human beings.


Blogger Subhash said...

That was a wonderful post which should be read by all. It is a wonderful anecdote on the continuity of learning. When learning is stopped, all is lost.

The current gloom caused by Bush administration--basically because of vengence, greed, feeling of superiority due to race, religion and color (all so similar to Hitler's quest for world domination) is caused by people who have closed their brains to learning. The ignorance, is the deadliest weapon on earth.

Inspite of Jew's famed obsession to learning, I wonder why the modern state of the Jews is such a pathetic sight: Israel. The state has done everything in its power to maintain tension in the middle east, including attacking Jordan. I wonder why they still don't understand using power offensively is not going to solve their problems, but contrary to that, will fuel more conflict.

Saturday, March 24, 2007 8:20:00 AM  
Blogger Akilan said...

Welcome subash.

Really encouraging comments for me, fledgling bird in bloggers world.

Bush's behavior is similar to our vote bank politics in India.

From the magazine Week, BJB gov allowed militants infiltration in Gargil, though government was warned by BSF for months. BJP Govt wanted to wage a war, by which it could polarize the people during the election. Week magazine says, Death of 650 Jawans could have been avoided.

Saturday, March 24, 2007 9:20:00 PM  

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