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Location: Dindigul, Tamilnadu, India

Imperfect man in imperfect world.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Garden and Life

Today I was spending my time in the garden,which is just 100 meters away from my house ,under Telok blangah hill [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en&q=singapore&layer=&ie=UTF8&t=h&om=0&msa=0&z=18&ll=1.276626,103.811649&spn=0.002526,0.004989&msid=105239566517775126607.00000112003fb97271818]. It was highly maintained as similar to other parks maintained by NParks singapore. It has a natural spring which has a flow of water during the rain. and small lotus pond with gold fishes.

I love that place. I am also observing a guy who is care taker of the garden. he would be around mid 50s., he used clean the park regularly, broom the grass out of rotten leaves, clean the pond and this sort of things, he seems to show lot of commitment in his work. I am observing him for past one year.

Our body,soul and mind also like the garden.It requires a consistent and regular maintenance.we can't just seed something and comeback after sometime to reap the harvest.

It was a great idea from Jack canfield.

That care taker and the garden always remind me above points .

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Fifth Mountain - Paulo Coelho

I was browsing the site http://roughnotes.wordpress.com/ ,I came to know the book called TheFifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho. as usual I checked in Bukit Mera libarary.It was available
Singapore libraries are world class. You name the book, it will be available in singapore libraries.

Fifth Mountain has similar lines as Alchemist. I am not so impressed with this book. But not a time waste.This Fable loses its track many times.

Quotes are reminding the meaning of life.